A Little Princess
by Frances Hodgson Burnett (1849 - 1924)
Sara - 22:47
A French Lesson - 13:31
Ermengarde - 16:50
Lottie - 19:44
Becky - 32:17
The Diamond Mines - 23:11
The Diamond Mines Again - 46:50
In The Attic - 22:51
Melchisedec - 24:37
The Indian Gentleman - 26:11
Ram Dass - 20:21
The Other Side of the Wall - 17:53
One of the Populace - 23:00
What Melchisedec Heard and Saw - 11:16
The Magic - 53:16
The Visitor - 33:32
“It is the Child” - 16:21
“I Tried Not To Be” - 25:11
Anne - 15:17